What is Grammar?

(a) Definition:

It is the system (a particular way of doing something) of a language.


 The rule and regulations in a language is known as grammar.

In simple words, you can explain grammar in such a way; let’s say take an example of a machine if you extract one part from the machine so the machine will not be working. The same example here is a grammar that you will learn or understand the overall basics and necessary parts of a grammar sequentially. Therefore you can simply say that ”grammar is the system of a language”. In this course you will learn each and every thing regarding grammar in a sequential and easy format.

(b) Why it is necessary for learning a new language?

  1. The teaching of grammar teaches us how a language is spoken and written correctly.
  2. With the help of grammar you can learn a language easily.
  3. Without teaching of grammar means that, a man is driving a car without rules and regulations.

(c) Why English grammar is necessary for learning a new language?

  1. Being an ESL (English as a second language), it is important to learn English grammar first.
  2. It tells us about the rule and regulations in an English language.
  3. It explain us the structure and various parts of an English language.

(d) Structure:

Let’s explain the structure first ‘’what topics are in the English grammar’’ here the structure is just for you to learn the name of the topics.

  1. Alphabet
  2. Word
  3. Sentence
  4. Phrase
  5. Clause
  6. Parts of speech
  7. Punctuation
  8. Tenses
  9. Active voice and passive voice
  10. Direct and indirect speech
  11. Modal verb


The above list is the overall structure of an English grammar.

If you want to learn English grammar an easy and sequential way than this ebook is for you:

You will learn ”grammar” in this e-book easily

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