About Peer Majid Islam

My aim is to provide ease to the upcoming generations!

professional engineer, web developer, and content writer

My Journey

Peer Majid Islam, a professional engineer, writer, and blogger, has observed that many people possess valuable skills but lack the English language proficiency to express them globally or share them online. English language proficiency will become increasingly crucial in the future of online activities, including e-commerce, content writing, blogging, and writing in general. People often learn English in an irregular manner, leading to various challenges.

Driven by a desire to help students overcome these barriers, Peer Majid Islam made it his priority to develop comprehensive English language courses. He dedicated two years of his career as a professional engineer, blogger, and writer to meticulously crafting these courses. Through extensive research, he designed courses that present English language essentials in a sequential, easy-to-understand format, providing students with a one-stop learning resource.

With the blessings of the almighty, Peer Majid Islam successfully completed his endeavor. He authored concise and user-friendly English language e-books, recognizing that people in today’s fast-paced world prefer smart e-books over lengthy traditional books. These e-books offer an efficient and accessible way to teach the next generation.

Peer Majid Islam is committed to continuing his mission of creating easy-to-understand e-books on various important topics, drawing upon his expertise from his career. He humbly requests to be remembered in your prayers.

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